Turbo problems due to pollution
Almost all modern cars are equipped with a turbo to make combustion in the chambers as efficient as possible. The turning speed of a turbo can reach up to 240,000 revolutions per minute and the temperature of the exhaust gases can reach 900 degrees Celsius. It is therefore essential that the lubrication and cooling are as optimal as possible. Many turbo problems can be traced back to contaminated oil and blockages due to contamination in the oil system.
Also overheating (Heat soak) can occur when an engine is immediately stopped after having been fully loaded without having a chance to cool down the turbo. The heat from the turbine housing and turbine wheel travels through the shaft and housing, without the heat being dissipated by the oil. The oil film present then becomes so hot that oil carbonization (oil carbonization) occurs. The resulting carbon particles are so hard and sharp that the bearings can be damaged. Normally this does not happen all at once, but when it happens regularly the bearings will be seriously damaged.
To some extent, all these problems can be prevented by changing the oil in time, but a large part of the contaminated oil always remains and the contamination that has already settled will not be removed. The Engine Washing Machine can be used to solve this problem. The NVS is connected to the filter housing and carter pan after the oil has been drained and the oil filter has been removed. In a cycle of only 12 minutes, cleaning fluid, a mixture of air/cleaning fluid and air is alternately pumped/blown through the motor. Thanks to this method, all places where oil normally comes are thoroughly cleaned. Finally, the engine is blown through with air so that any remaining liquid is discharged to the sump pan where it is extracted by the machine. Due to this thorough cleaning, the oil system is completely clean and the new oil can perform optimally again. (see figure 6)
The big advantage of this cleaning method is that the engine does not have to run during cleaning and is easy to fit during a regular oil change. The total time needed for the engine wash is only a 12 minutes job!